Sponge New Business agency

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Chemistry vs coffee

There was a time we would be VERY fussy about what meetings we would accept for our clients. If a company hired us to run their new business development, we wouldn’t want to then burn the first month of their engagement sending them round the country to drink coffee and deliver presentations to indifferent prospects before heading back to the office wondering why they wasted a day out of the office.

…And then someone had the smart idea of taking the phrase “coffee and creds” and turning it into “chemistry meeting”. It was like changing “Coke Lite” to “Coke Zero” - exactly the same hollow experience, just with a slightly better name.

So now we have to tell our clients that someone who has no project and no budget wants to meet them so that - if they ever do have a project and a budget - they already ‘know’ some people. But… but… but that’s exactly what we promised we wouldn’t do!

However… despite my sceptical sarcasm (available 24/7, 365 BTW) there does appear to be some merit in this pursuit. We’ve had some apparently thin ‘chemistry meetings’ actually turn into serious projects. It turns out that smart companies do like meetings smart agencies.

The truth is, if you’re smart and engaging you can turn a handshake and a 30 second chat into business. If you’re poor in person, no amount of minutes and pages of Powerpoint will turn things around.

No doubt you’re expecting a point, so let me conclude: ANY opportunity to meet a prospect is worthwhile but 1) you need to have a business development partner you trust setting them up for you, and 2) if you’re finding you convert none of these fleeting encounters into a full blown affair, there’s probably something wrong with your pitch rather than the meetings you’re attending.