Look at me (don't look at me)

I chatted to a potential client recently who spoke about the need to “talk about ourselves more”. They have a healthy flow of incoming leads and referrals, seem to have a good network in general, and are now thinking of adding us to do some cold channel new business (smart people!).

We spoke at length about the need to “be seen out there” and I wondered if he had any idea of the bottomless pit of ‘showing off’ he is about to tumble down if not careful.

I’m a big fan of connecting to people, but do somewhat groan when I see an agency doing really well that is about to divert lots of time and effort away from winning and completing work to telling everyone about the work they’ve just won and completed.

Yes, I’m talking about you, LinkedIn and Instagram (you narcissist-guzzling devils).

By all means show the outside world the work you’re doing, but make sure you know why you’re doing it (beyond the fact that you think you're behind your contemporaries on this front). Are you sharing your posts with potential customers, luring them in with your wares, or are you just giving your competitors an easy way to keep track of what you’re up to?

If you’re a millionaire no one know about, does that make being a millionaire any less awesome?

if you feel ‘being out there’ is gong to have a considerable positive effect on your business then hurrah - pull up your socks and get ready to be posting something every day. If, however, you’re doing fine without it, keep your heads down and enjoy being busy. Busy pays really well.